brain.fish Editions
Brain.fish offers a fun and fast way to memorize multiplication tables. It comes in three different editions. Both the online as well as the pen & paper version are free to use.
Become a Member
Motivating our children to learn the multiplication tables is now a lot easier. By mastering these essential math skills, our kids gain confidence and a solid foundation for future learning. Become a member and help us grow beyond the time tables.

Additional online features such as personal profiles for up to three children, high scores and additional missions to boost family brain power.
All of the features of the Family membership plan
plus the super-durable physical board game is included. Get it once, use it for generations.

At brain.fish, we aim to make education brain-friendly and fun, which, it turns out, is essentially the same thing.
We start with the basics. Today, brain.fish offers a fun and quick way to memorize multiplication tables. We have carefully developed and tested the game over many years to ensure it is brain-friendly, easily understandable for all ages, and enjoyable.
Do you have one minute for a quick game that boosts your brain power? That's how long it takes.
It's 1 minute that counts.
Why it works so well
Through scientifically grounded, brain-friendly design, we have reduced the gameplay time to one minute and made it stick through multisensory learning. No other game utilizes visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli and simultaneously engages both hemispheres of the brain to help memorize the times tables.
It works because science works.

Who is it for?
Brain.fish is designed for all ages. It’s beneficial if your child can count and write numbers up to 100. Typically, kindergarten would be a bit early, while 1st to 4th grades are ideal. However, some kids are early starters. Our tests have shown that adults also benefit from playing. Try it yourself to experience the effects of brain-friendly design. You might be surprised.
Ethics and Sustainability
Education should be freely accessible to everyone.
We will keep both the pen-and-paper version and the basic online version free to use forever. We believe education should be freely accessible to everyone. We have made ourselves legally obliged to our promise forever by opting into the Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND, find details here). It is free today. It will be free tomorrow.
We need to stop the throw away economy!
We think it's time for a change from just buying things and throwing them away. Businesses should look out for both people and our planet. That's why, for our products like the Brain.Fish board game, we take care of them from start to finish.
We've decided to go with a membership subscription, so we focus more on providing a continuous service rather than just selling items once. Trying to sell more and more products leads us to buy too much, which isn't good for our planet. Plus, when companies only focus on selling as much as they can, they often make products that don't last long. We think it's better for everyone if we focus on providing services instead of just selling things.
The brain.fish board game is designed to last for generations and is produced in Europe. You will never need to throw it away. Your great-grandchildren will love it too.
If this is the change you want to see yourself then support our initiative! Become a premium member, and get the super-durable brain.fish board game for free.